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Partners in Consortium

European Approach to Bioenergy and Biorefinery

                 The partners are high education institutions, that present credited competence on the core domain of the activities proposed, namely, in  Process Integration and industry applications. 

                 The consortium include countries from central, east, and west areas of EU, and some of the countries in the consortium are known to have a large tradition in Process Integration and Biorefinery fields.

                 GAMS Software GmbH is the invited partner and it provides high expertise in computational  support.








          P1) Instituto Superior Técnico (UTL/IST -PT) 

                P LISBOA04


          P2)  Universidad de Extremadura (UNEX-ES)

                 E BADAJOZ01



                 NL WAGENIN01



           P4) GAMS Software GmbH 

                 General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS)



             P5) Universitatea “AUREL VLAICU” ARAD (UAV-RO)

                  RO ARAD


             P6)  Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre (IPP-PT)

                 P PORTALE01


             P7) TUBITAK MAM

                  Tubitak Research Centre


           P8) Imperial College London

                 UK LONDON 015


             P9) Universidad Nacional de Colombia






Erasmus MP proposal

(528037-LLP-1-2012-1-PT-ERASMUS-EMCR ): in evaluation